Step 1: Choose your colours

Vanilla offers different colours for dark theme to improve contrast.

Step 2: Choose your style

You can use multiple colours for easier navigation or use a single colour for a cleaner look.

Step 3: Choose your resolution

If you're using Vanilla icons for videos or tutorials, you can get higher resolution versions.

Step 4: Download your icon set

Download icon set .zip How to install (you agree to the license terms by downloading these icons)
The Vanilla icon set is © Elttob

License terms

Vanilla is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International.

That means you can use and adapt the icons, as long as you provide attribution and don't use them commercially. (what is noncommercial?)

Examples for non-lawyers

Some examples of things you're allowed to do:

Some examples of things you're not allowed to do:

(these examples aren't a replacement for the legal text - they're for informational purposes only! I'm not a lawyer.)

Negotiation of terms

If you want to use the icons, but these terms don't work for you (e.g. for commercial use), feel free to get in touch on Twitter - I'm happy to help you out!


Preparing your download...

This might take a short while - we're generating the files on your local computer.

Your download is ready

If it doesn't start automatically, click here to download manually.

How to install Close

Installing your icons with Mod Manager

Installing your icon set manually

Something to note: if you're installing manually, you'll have to redo this after every Roblox update.